Project Summary: Saratoga Springs Bike Park

A bike park in the City of Saratoga Springs would improve the quality of life of the community as an activity that promotes health and wellness to all ages, contributing to economic development, ensuring social equity and protecting parks and open space.

A bike park is an outdoor recreation facility with terrain sculpted for having fun on bikes while developing skills. This one will include a paved pump track with berms and rollers, uniquely designed that will help beginners build skills and confidence, while allowing experts to challenge themselves. The bike park will also include a skills training area with prefabricated features, a Flow Zone to practice jumping skills, and a Dual Slalom Course for more advanced riding. An urban bike park becomes a hub for neighborhood youth and bike enthusiasts. Similar to a skate park, a bike park does not require much space, which makes for an ideal recreation activity within city limits.

This is a bike park that our park designer, American Ramp Company recently completed in North Carolina!

There are many benefits of a mountain bike park, including but not limited to:

  • An inclusive opportunity to participate in a fast-growing sport

  • Additional safe space for the community 

  • Contributions to the physical and mental wellness of our community

Our goal is for mountain biking to be accessible and inclusive. 

Many families do not have the means to bring their child to a practice or to a trailhead. Saratoga Bike Park would provide an area within the city limits, close to a school, where kids can gather and enjoy another free recreation opportunity in the downtown Saratoga area. Bike parks can help reach a demographic that isn’t as easily reached on the mountain bike trails. You can have a really inexpensive bike and still be a superstar at the bike park. There are also more families and younger kids who would use the space.

Saratoga Bike Park Current Status:

  • We have secured a location! We were gifted 2.5 acres of space from the City of Saratoga next to the ice rinks on Weibel Ave.

  • The City of Saratoga Springs has allocated $400K for this project!

  • We have selected and approved a park designer, American Ramp Company!

What’s next? What’s needed?

Total budget for Bike Park, including design and build: ~$400k, including paved pump track (~$250k)

Timeline: TBD

Donate to Help Us Build A Bike Park!


Donate to Help Us Build A Bike Park! 〰️

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