Team Shredders Tips: What Do I Bring on a Ride?

Especially as a new rider, it can be hard to figure out exactly what we need to bring with us on a ride. A bike and a helmet, YES! That part is easy! But what else do we need?

Team Shredders caught up with an expert, the fantastic Dustin DeLuke, for some hot tips on what to bring with us as we get into riding this season. Here's the items you'll need to make sure you can resolve most every issue you'll encounter while on a ride:

Team Shredders Top 10 Essentials

1. Saddle bag, hip bag, hydration pack or tiny frame bag.

2. Water (in a water bottle or hydration pack)

3. Easily digested snack (you are not allergic to). Examples, granola bar, dried fruit, trail mix or pre made energy food like GU, Clif, etc...

3. Proper size spare tube

4. Tire lever/s

5. Tire boot and patch kit

6. Pump (Co2 cartridge is also great but is usually limited to one use. These are a better option for races) *Tip: you can wrap some duct tape around the body of your pump and unwravel if you ever need it to fix something on the trail.

7. Bike specific multitool

8. Quick link for your chain (make sure it is compatible with the speed chain you have)

9. A phone if you have one

10. A couple zip ties

If you are here with us at end of this list and you feel like the wide-eyed shock emoji, don't despair! We all start somewhere and you will evolve what you carry with you based on your riding experience and style. Dustin's advice for what you should always bring with you are the multitool, the pump and a tube. Oh, and a positive attitude. Don't forget to ride with a smile!

Happy shredding!


Team Shredders Tips: Give That Bike a Bath!


Mentor Highlight: Sheray Tario